Environmental Innovation

Farm slurry run-off from fields can cause river pollution in Wales. The project is addressing this issue through the use of innovative technology designed to aid slurry management. The objective is to treat raw slurry in such a way as to remove as much of the water contaminating elements of slurry before discharging the ‘cleaned’ liquid into a local watercourse under licence. This would be done through a process of primary course solids removal. The project will also investigate multiple water recycling opportunities.

Intensification of the dairy industry and climate change challenges has put the industry in a position that its current nutrient management is no longer fit for purpose. Gelli Aur farm is typical in that it faces the same predicament. It lies in one of the most populated dairy areas in Europe and it also endures high rain falls and flooding. Climate change brings challenges that the industry will have to manage. Any system developed at Gelli Aur and the challenges faced there would be appropriate for all other geographical areas. Farmers are very much on the front line of climate change impacts. Agriculture is uniquely placed to be part of the solution, as both an emissions source and a sink. 



We use a blend of different technologies that are new or established that are being adapted for our project.
Processes such as the DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) and the AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) have never been used in this context.
The inclusion of constructed wetland treatment process beds as a way of treating Slurry Water. Reeds can pump oxygen into their roots and therefore sustain bacteria that clean the water that goes through the reed beds.


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