There has never been more pressure on the environment and a need to improve the way we recycle on-farm nutrients. Therefore, the time is right for innovation in farm nutrient management. Firstly, this can help alleviate pressures on the environment and financially benefit the Welsh dairy industry. Secondly, we have identified possible savings of £50M to the Welsh dairy industry. Savings and improvements are achievable by making better use of home-grown nutrients and reducing waste.
The Tywi Farm Nutrient Partnership was set up initially to deliver efficiencies and reduce the burden of storing a vast amount of water that carries recyclable nutrients. Nutrients are important substances that provide nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and growth. All farming manures (slurry, farmyard and poultry) contain these useful nutrients. Therefore efficiently extracting nutrients from manures could save on the cost of commercial fertilisers. In addition, this would reduce serious environmental impacts. However, poor manure management can cause pollutants (including nutrients) to enter through run-off or drainage (for example, land drains).
The development process of this Project will considerably reduce the storage of slurry on farms as well as the handling costs. Efficiently extracting nutrients from manure saves on the cost of commercial fertilizers and reduces severe environmental impact.
More integrated management of farm nutrient resources will help to promote the coordinated management of water, land and related resources. This, in turn, will maximise economic and social benefits equitably while protecting vital ecosystems and the environment.