Prosiect “4 Rivers for LIFE” Project 4 Rivers for LIFE Team Leader: Finance & Administration Officer: Mae’r ARC yn falch iawn o gweitho gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ar y prosiect 4 afon. ARC are excited to work on the new 4 rivers project with NRW.
Technical Note 3.0
Process Flow Concept
Meet the Partners – Netafim
Yn ein cyfres “Cwrdd â’r Partneriaid” byddwn yn cyflwyno’r cwmnïau sy’n gweithio gyda’r ARC ym mhrosiect Partneriaeth Maetholion Fferm Tywi. In our “Meet the Partners” series we will be introducing the companies that are working with the ARC in the Tywi Farm Nutrient Partnership project. Music:
Project Update
OPEX costs @1%TotalSolids % Removal Rates@1%TS Chemical Dose rate/m3 slurry (l) Costs/m3 slurry (£) Total/m3 slurry (£) Total/100 cows (£) CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) 89.33 PAC (18%) 2 1.64 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) 96.09 PAM (0.14% active) 40 0.67 TOTAL NITROGEN (TN) 68.07 Sub Total Costs 2.31 4,795 TOTAL …
Technical Note 2.0
The treatment plant is designed to remove suspended colloidal material as well as the dissolved charged particles found in cow slurry. This is accomplished through electrostatic mechanisms for particle coagulation and flocculation. Two main mechanisms are employed for the removal of charged particles from the waste water streams. These are charge neutralisation and sweep flocculation. What is Charge Neutralisation? …
Technical Note 1.0
Sample analysis gets under way. This multi-faceted project to de-water farm slurry, recover and precision apply the separated nutrients and organic matter, whilst providing treated water that can be discharged to local water courses without causing undue environmental impacts is under way. For the next few months treatment parameters will be slowly changed during the commissioning phase of the treatment …
RABDF Milk Digest
September 2021Note from MattNext month world leaders and climate experts will descend upon Glasgow for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26). Sustainable land use is a topic being discussed in the first week, and there’s no doubt this will result in a flood of incorrect facts, sweeping statements and anti-farming campaigners berating UK agriculture. Along with the pig and poultry …
Gwobrwywyd cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru i Goleg Sir Gâr ar gyfer prosiect amaethyddol a fydd yn trawsnewid dyfodol rheoli slyri yng Nghymru Coleg Sir Gâr yw’r unig goleg addysg bellach yng Nghymru i gael cyllid Arbenigedd SMART. Mae arbenigedd SMART, a ariennir yn rhannol gan gronfa datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop, yn cynnig cymorth ariannol i brosiectau cydweithredol arloesol sy’n gofyn am ystod …
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