Tywi Farm Nutrient Partnership: Interim report concluding 2021

Executive Summary Recent innovations in dewatering technologies now increases suitability for the agriculture sector. The separation of liquid and solid from dairy slurry is demonstrated to reduce bulk volume, alleviating the pressure on farm storage capacity. Alongside successive wastewater treatment, we have seen overall removal rates of ~95% Nitrogen (N), 99.9% of Phosphate (P) and ~80% Potassium (K), in the …

Swydd Newydd | New Employment opportunities

Prosiect “4 Rivers for LIFE” Project 4 Rivers for LIFE Team Leader: https://naturalresources.wales/about-us/jobs-and-placements/jobs/203078-4-rivers-for-life-team-leader/?lang=en Finance & Administration Officer: https://naturalresources.wales/about-us/jobs-and-placements/jobs/203077-4-rivers-for-life-finance-administration-officer/?lang=en Mae’r ARC yn falch iawn o gweitho gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ar y prosiect 4 afon. ARC are excited to work on the new 4 rivers project with NRW.

Meet the Partners – Netafim

Yn ein cyfres “Cwrdd â’r Partneriaid” byddwn yn cyflwyno’r cwmnïau sy’n gweithio gyda’r ARC ym mhrosiect Partneriaeth Maetholion Fferm Tywi. In our “Meet the Partners” series we will be introducing the companies that are working with the ARC in the Tywi Farm Nutrient Partnership project. Music: www.bensound.com