Gwobrwywyd cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru i Goleg Sir Gâr ar gyfer prosiect amaethyddol a fydd yn trawsnewid dyfodol rheoli slyri yng Nghymru

Coleg Sir Gâr yw’r unig goleg addysg bellach yng Nghymru i gael cyllid Arbenigedd SMART. 

Mae arbenigedd SMART, a ariennir yn rhannol gan gronfa datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop, yn cynnig cymorth ariannol i brosiectau cydweithredol arloesol sy’n gofyn am ystod o arbenigedd i ddatrys problemau’r diwydiant. 

Mae’r Bartneriaeth Maetholion Fferm Tywi newydd sbon yn adeiladu ar y llwyddiant a gyflawnwyd gan brosiect presennol rheoli slyri’r coleg, Prosiect Prosiectslyri, a oedd yn datblygu system ddihysbyddu a phuro i reoli slyri mewn partneriaeth â Power & Water.

Bydd y prosiect newydd hwn yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid presennol a nifer sylweddol o bartneriaid newydd a fydd yn cyd-ariannu’r ymchwil a’r datblygiad i fabwysiadu prosesau arloesol a thechnegau amaeth manwl gywir gan ddefnyddio’r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf i ddefnyddio slyri sydd wedi’i drin. 

Mae deddfwriaeth newydd, y gyfarwyddeb ddŵr a disgwyliadau uwch yn golygu bod angen gwella safonau amgylcheddol ac mae angen gweithredu technegau rheoli newydd.

Meddai John Owen, rheolwr prosiect yng Ngholeg Sir Gâr:  “Rydym yn falch iawn i lansio’r prosiect newydd a chyffrous hwn ac i ddatblygu’r gwaith a wnaed eisoes gan Brosiect Prosiectslyri.

Dywedodd Kirsty Williams, y Gweinidog Addysg: “Rwy’n falch iawn o gefnogi’r prosiect hwn gan Goleg Sir Gâr, a fydd yn dod â buddion i’r coleg, ffermwyr lleol ac i’r amgylchedd

“Mae ein cefnogaeth SMART yn helpu i greu arloesiadau newydd ar draws ystod o sectorau, gan gynnwys amaethyddiaeth, felly llongyfarchiadau i Goleg Sir Gâr am ddod y coleg AB cyntaf i elwa o gyllid arbenigedd SMART.”


Coleg Sir Gâr awarded Welsh Government funding for an agricultural project set to transform the future of slurry management in Wales

Coleg Sir Gâr is the only further education college in Wales to be awarded SMART Expertise funding. 

Part funded by the European Regional development fund, SMART Expertise offers financial support to innovative collaborative projects that require a range of expertise to solve industry problems. 

The brand-new Tywi Farm Nutrient Partnership will build on the success achieved by the college’s existing slurry management project, Prosiectslyri Project, which developed a dewatering and purification slurry management system in partnership with Power & Water.

This new project will work with existing partners and a significant number of new partners who will co-fund the research and development to adopt innovative processes and precision agriculture techniques using the very latest technology to utilise treated slurry. 

New legislation, the water directive and higher expectations mean that environmental standards need to improve and new management techniques need to be implemented.

John Owen, project manager at Coleg Sir Gâr said: “We are delighted to launch this new and exciting project and to develop the work already undertaken by Prosiectslyri Project.

The Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, said: “I’m really pleased to support this project by Coleg Sir Gâr, which will bring benefits to the college, local farmers and to the environment.

“Our SMART support is helping create new innovations across a range of sectors, including agriculture, so congratulations to Coleg Sir Gâr for becoming the first FE college to benefit from SMART expertise funding.”